
Sounds from Innovations Phone Booth! Unfortunately the phone booth was removed a while back. These were sent to me by a fellow ATIS fan and recorded with a memory stick recorder. They are not the best quality but good enough to hear a great impersonation of Paul Frees by Corey Burton. He also did the "Ghost Host" of Haunted Holiday in the Haunted Mansion.

Note the similarities to the Inner Space audio. Very humorous and a great parody of ATIS!

(Right click and select "save target as" to save clip to hard drive.)

"For centuries, man had but his own two ears".....  
"You are about the make a fantastic phone call"....  
"And THIS, is the touch tone"....  
"YES, your phone time is up"....  
"This has been one of many exciting conversations".....  
  We are in no way connected to The Walt Disney Company nor do we represent them or any of their subsidiaries. This Documentary CD is being sold for the time it took to create the artwork, sound editing, printing and the cost and creation of the CD itself. Original soundtrack is owned by Disney corporation© and Monsanto ©. This is a fan-created CD and is intended solely to promote Disney theme parks and as a remembrance to a ride long gone and almost forgotten. This Documentary CD is used for sole purpose to educate and entertain. We are protected by the US governments fair use of copyrighted material. All images and names and stories are copyright by the Walt Disney Company© / Monsanto © and are used solely for historical reference only. No video, film or sound is for sale here on this site. * has the right to stop membership newsletters at anytime and will be sent when deems necessary due to updates or events. can liquidate the membership at any time.